If problems arise with male potency, you will have to find folk remedies for increasing potency in men, which are ideal and do not harm.
Why do problems with male power arise?
If a person's stamina in bed decreases rapidly and the desire for intimacy disappears, then she will have to find a safe and high-quality folk remedy for increasing potency in men.
Problems with male power most often arise due to:
- increased physical stress;
- constant stress and psychological turmoil;
- negative environmental environment;
- problems in personal life;
- misunderstandings between spouses;
- states of depression or apathy;
- problems with sexual function due to low self-esteem;
- constant smoking;
- chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
- chronic lack of sleep.
To clarify how to increase potency in men with a folk remedy, people more often turn to the Internet with relevant requests than to employees of a medical institution. Official medicine reports statistics that only a few young people turn to the office of a urologist, sexologist and psychologist to share a piquant problem.
Before consulting a doctor, a man should try to solve the problem using folk recipes that quickly and safely increase male strength. These include healing teas and tinctures, contrast showers and massages with natural plant oils.
Doctors will advise you to try before starting treatment:
- improve psychological and physical condition;
- increase physical activity;
- dedicate yourself to sport and find a hobby to distract yourself from the problems of reality;
- take baths with aromatic oils that improve male strength;
- adapt your diet and menu;
- Talk heart to heart with your partner and resolve sexual misunderstandings.
A rapid increase in potency in a man using folk remedies will be possible only if the patient first receives consultation with specialists and excludes allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the components of herbal preparations.
All folk remedies that increase potency in men can increase male strength only if the problem has nothing to do with the physiological characteristics of the human body.
If a man is diagnosed with a prostate adenoma, acute inflammation of the prostate gland or sexually transmitted infections, it is strongly recommended to consult a urologist or proctologist and begin treatment according to the prescribed regimen.
In case of an infectious or inflammatory process, drinking chamomile can do more harm than good, so to quickly eliminate the problem you will have to take a course of antibiotics. No one can stop a patient from taking a course of traditional medicine if necessary.
Features of herbal medicine to improve male strength
Over the centuries, traditions have developed for the treatment of one or another disease, and diseases in the sexual sphere were no exception. It is quite possible to effectively increase potency with the help of some medicinal plants that can be found in the fields or in your summer cottage.
When improving potency in men using folk remedies, you should drink a course of a medicine or tea from several useful plants. Experts say that the easiest way would be to purchase the raw materials or mixtures of several plants in a certified pharmacy, since only then can the quality and safety of the medicine be guaranteed. Only a properly collected and stored folk remedy is useful, otherwise it can lead to an exacerbation of a chronic disease and an increase in side effects.
In parallel, folk remedies to increase potency in men can:
- increase male libido and self-confidence;
- strengthen the general condition of the body;
- improve your mood and get rid of depression;
- increase the level of functioning of the immune system;
- reduce swelling of the genital organs;
- normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system;
- reduce the possibility of premature ejaculation;
- improve the quality of seminal fluid;
- increase the number of active sperm;
- lower sugar and cholesterol levels;
- increase blood circulation in the perineal area;
- relieve inflammatory processes in the body;
- kill pathogenic flora and harmful bacteria in the genital area;
- bypass contraindications and individual intolerance to drugs.
Most of these supplements for quickly increasing male potency have practically no contraindications for use or side effects, with the exception of individual intolerance.
Effective folk remedies for potency in men of fast type are:
- common nettle;
- ginseng root;
- flowers of common thyme and climbing thyme;
- marsh calamus root;
- St. John's wort herb;
- Dubrovnik grass;
- parsnip root;
- aloe leaves.
To quickly increase the level of strength, most medicinal plants can be used as folk remedies to prepare tinctures and teas, decoctions and mixtures, are part of dietary supplements (ginkgo biloba, ginseng).
Some herbs have contraindications:
- nettle is not suitable for people with high blood clotting and risk of thrombosis;
- Ginseng should not be taken for infectious and inflammatory diseases, chronic bleeding.
Most medicines contain tannins, flavonoids, organic acids, magnesium, camphor, gum, ascorbic acid and minerals.
Bee products
Traditional medicine suggests increasing potency and increasing the duration of erections with the help of high-quality bee products. It is worth paying close attention to honey and propolis, as they have the following properties:
- bactericidal;
- Tonic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- of a general strengthening nature.
To increase male potency, you should combine beekeeping products with others: aloe juice, onions, nuts, ginger.
To maximize the effectiveness of erectile function it is necessary to take only dark-colored honey, including buckwheat, chestnut, hemp, Turkish and linden honey.
Traditional and folk medicine recommends treating not only sexual problems with honey, but also:
- helps strengthen the immune system;
- normalizes blood pressure;
- increases venous circulation;
- reduces urological infections.
Dark varieties of honey help if they are consumed in their pure form or gradually added to clean water, tea, hot drinks and medicinal mixtures. Raising the general tone and increasing potency are caused by propolis, based on the action of which tinctures and compresses are made.
Propolis contains zinc and magnesium, silicon and antioxidants which can:
- reduce inflammation in the body;
- remove excess secretions from the prostate gland;
- reduce depression and eliminate apathy;
- increase male libido;
- be a preventive folk remedy against urological problems.
Aspen bark for erection
People have long known about such an effective remedy for increasing male sexual potency as aspen bark. Its bark, needles and shoots contain salicylic acid and tannins, which have a beneficial effect not only on reproductive and sexual health, but also on the general condition of the male body.
Aspen bark can be harmful if taken without a prescription, as it has some contraindications. In case of overdose, crushed aspen bark causes:
- chronic constipation;
- allergic reactions;
- the appearance of a skin rash of varying intensity;
- sharp growing pain in the pubic region;
- pain and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract;
- the presence of nausea and vomiting.
What to include in the menu to increase sexual potency
In addition to herbal medicine, food products that increase the potency of young men are used to increase male libido. These products most often refer to foods of animal or plant origin, as they can stimulate sexual function and increase desire.
According to medical journal articles, the most effective aphrodisiac products since ancient times are:
- coconuts - can increase the quantity and quality of seminal fluid, can effectively replace clean water and increase sexual potency together with dark varieties of honey;
- date palm fruits - can qualitatively fill the blood with glucose, necessary to increase the duration of sexual intercourse and improve its quality, increase libido;
- quail and chicken eggs - it is a pure protein capable of increasing the duration of sexual intercourse; it was said that to effectively increase potency and improve sensuality one must behave like Casanova, who drank a large raw egg twice a day and never knew it was rejected by beautiful women;
- a clove of garlic - can fill the body with germanium, which leads to the treatment and rapid improvement of erectile function and potency, since its regular use allows you to dilate the blood vessels of the penis;
- spices and herbs can significantly increase the level of male sex hormones in the blood; the effect of ordinary parsley and coriander allows you to get rid of fatigue and improve your well-being.
In parallel with proper nutrition, complexes of vitamins A, E, B and C will be effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and impotence. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or found in products that increase male potency:
- lean beef;
- fish and its liver;
- berries (sea buckthorn, blueberries, currants, rose hips);
- dairy products and cheeses;
- legumes;
- vegetables (eggplant, celery, spinach, potatoes);
- fruit (citrus fruits, figs);
- dried fruit;
- peanuts.
Carrot or pomegranate juices provide strength improvements and should be freshly squeezed to maintain maximum benefits. Fresh pomegranate should be taken in a cup for a month to feel the effect aimed at dilating the blood vessels in the genitals. After a course of treatment with folk remedies, the penis swells easily and remains erect for several hours without side effects.
Half a glass of fresh carrot juice with a drop of vegetable oil, drunk 3 times a day after each meal. Sunny vegetable increases potency and increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs and genitals.
Some popular recipes for increasing potency
An effective increase in strength allows you to provide a seafood cocktail: oysters, shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus.
An ideal folk remedy for quickly increasing potency is an infusion based on rosehip, rowan and gooseberry, and the first two options will require berries, and the last leaves.
You will need 100 grams of rowan, 50 grams of rose hips and gooseberries each, all components should be boiled in one liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for at least twenty minutes, after which two hundred grams are drunk three times a day.
Another miracle remedy that will put the penis on alert is the tandem of ripe banana and natural kefir. During treatment you need to grind 1/2 fruit in a blender, add a little sugar and about 250 grams of kefir.
This is an amazing cocktail that can:
- improve the quality of seminal fluid;
- increase sperm activity;
- increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
- increase stamina in bed;
- quickly increase potency and erection.
Another excellent remedy for love is a mixture of high-quality dry red wine and one hundred grams of dried fruits (prunes, raisins, dried apricots), which are pre-stewed with cinnamon, sugar, cloves and cardamom seeds .
The dried fruit is stewed in wine for an hour, then taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time, until a lasting result is achieved.
What not to eat if you have impotence
To improve sexual function, doctors strongly recommend eating honey and white wine, asparagus and oranges, lemons and cloves, seafood and tomatoes every day.
It is not recommended to eat certain foods even occasionally, as they can kill potency and significantly reduce sperm motility. This list usually includes:
- alcohol;
- fast food dishes;
- smoked meats;
- flavored crackers or chips;
- beer, which can increase prolactin levels, blocking masculinity;
- foods that are too fatty, spicy or salty;
- nutritional supplements.
To enhance the effect, you should completely eliminate drugs and tobacco products and add medicinal baths with the addition of chamomile oil, bay leaf, sea salt and sage.
In addition to baths, you should add to the procedures a lying bath with thyme and chamomile, rubbing of the genitals and baths at least four days a week.